Integration law for immigrants to the Netherlands

The Law on integration (Dutch: Wet inburgering) obliges most immigrants who are not citizens of the EU, Switzerland, Turkey, or the European Economic Area countries to learn Dutch and pass an exam within a few years of their arrival in the Netherlands.

According to the a separate law, known in Dutch as the 'Wet inburgering in het buitenland, certain classes of prospective immigrant must pass a test of very basic knowledge of Dutch and society even before their first entry into the Netherlands.



The Dutch Law on integration, drafted by Rita Verdonk, was passed by the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) on 7 July 2006 and the Senate (Eerste Kamer) on 28 November 2006. It came into force on 1 January 2007.

This immigration law obliges people entering the Netherlands to integrate into Dutch society. After a period of three-and-a-half years (five years for some), they must have passed an exam measuring their level of integration. It consists of two parts, a Dutch language exam and a test of knowledge of Dutch society. The obligation to learn Dutch and integrate applies not only to new immigrants, but also to some who have already lived in the Netherlands for years.[1]

Instruments promoting integration did exist before 2007, but were not compulsory. The law will however have consequences for some of the people who entered the Netherlands before 2007 (subject to certain criteria), but they will not go as far as for people who entered the Netherlands in 2007 or later. Many other countries impose similar obligations on people seeking to adopt their nationality, but not foreign nationals legally resident.

Prior to traveling to the Netherlands

A similar obligation exists for some foreign residents wishing to come to the Netherlands, especially people wanting to marry somebody who already lives there. These rules are found in another Law, the “Wet inburgering in het buitenland” (Integration law for immigrants to the Netherlands abroad). This provides for a far easier exam to be taken before coming to the Netherlands when applying for a three-month visa (Dutch: MVV). This exam is usually taken in Dutch embassies.

Failure to meet the obligations

Since the obligation was introduced for people entering after 1 January 2007, the law had no consequences for people failing to fulfil their obligations until 1 July 2010.

The law further states that the city council on the place of residence can decide whether a person who has been in the country for three and a half years and has not passed (or not taken) the exam is to be held accountable. In other words, whether the individual has made adequate efforts.


The law does not apply to:

In 2010, a Dutch judge ruled that the law did not apply to Turkish citizens, because of an association treaty between the European Union and Turkey.[2][3][4]

Implementation and cost

Dutch municipalities are responsible for the implementation of the law.[5]

As of June 2011, the courses, which can cost several thousand euros, may be subsidised by the government in certain circumstances.[6]


Future plans

The Rutte cabinet plans to change several aspects of the law. These plans await parliamentary approval (as at June 2011).

The cabinet wants to


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^ Inburgering niet verplicht voor Turken (
  5. ^ Inburgeringswet schiet ernstig tekort OPINION by Jos Groenenboom retrieved 2010-April-24 Dutch: "Met invoering van de Wet Inburgering Nieuwkomers is de verantwoordelijkheid voor de uitvoering van dat integratiebeleid bij gemeenten gelegd." English translation: "When the Law on the integration of immigrants was passed, the responsibility for implementing integration policy was given to municipalities."
  6. ^
  7. ^ English translation: "The coalition agreement states that people who take training courses will have to pay for them themselves. People who are unable to do so may be eligible for a loan. It is still unclear when the new rules will be applicable. The Council of State has yet to give its opinion, and then the House of Representatives and Senate will debate it."
    Dutch:"In het regeerakkoord staat vastgelegd dat inburgeraars hun cursus zelf betalen. Mensen dat niet kunnen, krijgen de mogelijkheid het geld te lenen. Het is nog onduidelijk wanneer de nieuwe regels in werking treden. De Raad van State moet nog advies geven, en daarna gaan de Tweede en de Eerste Kamer erover praten."
  8. ^ English translation: "Immigrants will lose their residence permits unless they pass their integration exam within three years. Asylum seekers who fail to integrate will not be expelled, but will be fined.Ordinary immigrants can keep their residence permits only if they can prove special circumstances."
    Dutch:"Immigranten raken hun verblijfsvergunning kwijt als zij niet binnen drie jaar hun inburgeringsdiploma hebben behaald. Asielzoekers hoeven niet het land uit als zij niet inburgeren, zij krijgen wel een boete. ‘Gewone’ immigranten mogen hun verblijfsvergunning alleen houden als er aantoonbaar bijzondere omstandigheden zijn. "

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